Learning something new
The Association secured funding to hold a number of introduction to angling sessions to allow people who have been affected by the recent pandemic an opportunity to learn how to fly cast with a qualified instructor and get outdoors, learn new skills and unwind away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Places were limited but with fantastic weather and committee members on hand to chat and give a hand where necessary these sessions have been very successful and informative and it is hoped that further sessions will be possible in the near future. Watch out for further information on our facebook page.

Hogweed spraying was carried out through May, June and July this year cover most of the Allan water area. This was the first of 2 years if funding received from Crown Estate Scotland. This is the start of a long term battle to eradicate this invasive species

Hogweed is a serious invader on our riverbanks causing destabilisation of bankings by out-competing all other vegetation reducing habitat for animals and insects alike. It is also very nasty to touch and can cause serious burns. As part of the committees 5 year plan removal of this plant from the banking of the Allan water is important.